Fortunately most of my favourites are still around, but who knows for how long?
case in point - the only piece I seriously considered getting was this nude silk shirt. the fit looks great, I love the covered placket and the colour is lovely. And evidently everyone else thinks so too! I should have been tipped off by how hard it was to find any of the Equipment silk shirts in nude... oh well. Seeing as I'd just managed to snag 2 Equipment shirts in the same colourway, I thought it best to give it a miss.... now slightly regretting it, but only slightly. If anyone's still interested though, they still have this blouse in brown and a red (which is really quite nice, albeit a tad loud).
I think of this as her Little Lord Flautleroy dress. Really cute but not really me.... E. if you're reading, I could totally see you wearing this :)
Another typical Alexa dress.... they did really well with the styling here (the clogs with tights are so her). I love the whole slightly subversive ladies who lunch vibe here, but not sure I would pull it off with... might end up looking a bit washed out on me I fear.
and finally an Asian model... and wearing the type of sweater I've been thinking of getting for ages... but then I remind myself I'd wear it once a year at the most. sigh. Maybe we really should move to England...
Ergh YES that dress is absolutely me but it's clearly also absolutely everyone and sold out already! wail...